Online sale of Italian extra virgin olive oil and typical products of the Apulian Pietrasanta farm

The sale of Italian extra virgin olive oil and typical Apulian products is guaranteed by the Apulian Farm Pietrasanta di Carovigno

Sale Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil online from the producer Azienda Agricola Pugliese Pietrasanta to the consumer: we guarantee an oil without dyes or preservatives, produced in a hilly area in Puglia (Salento), precisely in the territory between Carovigno and Ostuni, overlooking the sea (Reserve Natural of Torre Guaceto), from quality Olives: Ogliarola, Leccina, Cima di Melfi, Frantoio, Cellina di Nardò with Modern Mechanical Cold Pressing.

Recently some of our projects that we have pursued with consistency and commitment for years have been rewarded by Slow Food with the creation of two principals, they all concern crops that take place in the Torre Guaceto area of Carovigno: the monocultivar Evo of Ogliarola Karpene and finally the Fiaschetto tomato from Torre Guaceto Biological , from which we produce the precious Fiaschetto tomato sauce from Torre Guaceto Biological and the excellent Fiaschetto tomato from Torre Guaceto in Organic sauce.

The sale of the Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil online of the Apulian Farm Pietrasanta is guaranteed by our chemical / organoleptic analyzes (downloadable here ) which certify the authenticity and purity of our EVO oil for sale on this website, discover promotions and prices of the extra virgin olive oil !

In addition to the online sale of Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil, we are a leader in selling typical Apulian products online : figs with almond , green olives and black olives in brine , salted capers and products in oil such as lampascioni , artichokes , aubergines , spicy pickled , capricious salad ; all products strictly of our cultivation, handmade with salt and vinegar and preserved in extra virgin olive oil (in conversion to organic agriculture).